Black Magic Woman





Scroll down to see the most recent pictures of Bella






Bella and family in 2002 at the Adoption


Bella as baby in her new home...bathing is fundemental!
Bella with Alessa Christmas 2005....they are both sooooo sweet!
Bella in 2009 - she is now 7 years old.

Spring, 2010

Bella enjoys her life with her friends and family...


















































































Bella in summer 2010

She is now 8 years old....!


Bella is already 9 years old..."whew" where does the time fly?

She is so sweet but still so "full of the dickens" and is never leaves the the side of Alessa, the attractive 2-legged one...
















































































































December 2014

Bella turned 12 this past year, but she is still very fit. She "lost" a bit of her hair....but nothing can deter from her beauty!